
Christian OLSSON
Recherche et Etudes en Politique Internationale (REPI)
Université libre de Bruxelles

Christian Olsson is a lecturer in IR at Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and the director of its REPI research centre. He is an associate editor of the French journal of international political sociology Cultures& Conflits. Drawing in particular from (critical) security studies and sociological approaches, his research focuses on the colonial genealogies of contemporary military doctrine, the historical sociology of security practices, and the role of private military companies in recent overseas military interventions, especially in Afghanistan and Iraq where he carried out field-research. His recent publications include: ‘Legitimate Violence’ in the Prose of Counterinsurgency: An Impossible Necessity? (Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, May 2013).

Constance de LANNOY
Program Adminstrator
REPI – Université libre de Bruxelles